Sourcing Manager(3009149)
- Drive strategic procurement

o Ability to negotiate and sustain networking relationships

o Co-develop vision and targets of supplier landscape by pursuing technology requirements and product roadmap in collaboration with category lead buyers

o Provide clear communications to operational buyers on aligned WW purchasing strategies

- Develop supply base to meet the desired value adding position

o Develop and administer an efficient global supply chain and monitor inventory for all global products which assist to increase growth.

o Challenge suppliers and internal customers to identify and imple-ment innovative designs, value-add specification changes, concepts, and materials.

o Identify improvement areas and align with supplier on gap closure actions. Follow up during periodical operational review. o Leverage suppliers internal or sub-tier resources to deliver higher value propositions

- Perform supplier audits

o Join team on supplier on-site assessments to improve supplier structural and long term performance enhancement, and achieve improvement objectives based on balanced priorities

o Determine and apply criteria for the evaluation, selection, monitoring of performance, and re-evaluation of suppliers, based on their ability to provide products and services

- Function as a linking pin between suppliers and our company

o Collaborate with engineering, supply chain engineer, business group, and manufacturing sites, to resolve supplier related issues.

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